
Premium range of highly reliability flooded and VRLA products to serve the demanding requirements of telecommunications and electric utility/switchgear markets. PowerSafe products offer the broadest range of flooded and valve-regulated lead acid products to provide the ideal solution for telecom applications, including central office, outside plant and wireless, as well as electric utility applications, including power generation transmission and distribution.
Powersafe DDr       Powersafe SBS       Powersafe VX       Powersafe V
Powersafe V Front Terminal        Powersafe VE        Powersafe DDm        Powersafe OPzV
Wet Cell
Powersafe C       Powersafe E       Powersafe F       Powersafe G
Powersafe OPzS        Varta Vb        Powersafe GLS Plus        Powersafe OP/OPC

The PowerSafe DDm range offers an ideal solution for large capacity valve regulated lead-acid battery requirements. PowerSafe DDm's steel can design concept, with its integral racking system, provides a cost effective battery system with a compact, quick and simple installation process. With thicker positive plates for extended life, high-integrity unique post seal design, large copper post design for superior high-rate performance, and steel-encased cells providing uniform compression, the DDm is a superior product in performance and service life.

   Features & Benefits
  • Capacity: 200Ah - 2000Ah
  • Design Life: 20 years @ 25C(77F)
  • Protective steel can design providing uniform cell compression
  • Superior quality frame design allows maximum heat dissipation
  • High integrity welded/epoxy dual post seal design
  • Easy to install, low maintenance VRLA module system
- Electric Utility/Switchgear
- Telecom
- Uninterruptible Power Supply